Waiver and Release
In checking the box below I agree that I am or will be participating in the Yoga Classes, Health Programs or Workshops offered by Stil Studio during which I will receive information and instruction about yoga and health.
I understand that Stil Studio assumes no liability for any illnesses or injuries which I may sustain as a result of participating in yoga activities including, but not limited to, the use of any yoga equipment (props) or the performance of any particular exercise or series of exercises or any related activities. I expressly acknowledge on behalf of myself and my heirs that I assume the risk of any and all injuries or illnesses which may occur as a result of participating in these activities. I also understand that my yoga sessions are non-refundable if I choose not to continue to take yoga classes at Stil Studio; but can be transferred to another person upon agreement with Stil Studio. Stil Studio is responsible for providing replacement instructors in the advent of termination or absentee. I hereby release and discharge Stil Studio and all of its employees, agents, servants, representatives and principals from any and all claims of injury, illness, death, loss or damage which I may sustain as a result of participating in the above activities.
I further acknowledge that Stil Studio is not responsible for any personal items lost or stolen while I am participating in activities at Stil Studio.
I hereby acknowledge and agree with the waivers set forth above.
644 High Street, Dedham, MA 02026
